Note to Self Mail

Note to Self Mail is the fastest app for your notes.

The app provides the easiest way to create a note, a to-do or any other kind of reminder and send it to your inbox.
You can create reminders with any information or attachments within seconds.

How it works

  1. Open the app
  2. Write your note
  3. Send it

Note to Self Mail does not require any additional information to send the note. Once setup, the note can be sent without specifying recipient or subject - it works out of the box.

Be smart

Do not waste your time

Compared to a classical mail application, this app saves up to 80% of your time when composing a note.
And in addition, the note is already at the right place.

Countless Features

A simple app, a lot of features

Multiple addresses

Handle different inboxes.

Custom sender

Use your email server.

Attach photos

Attach your best shots.

Attach sketches

Attach quick sketches.

Attach files

Attach every other file.

Archive list

Keep your notes history.

Audio messages

Record your environment.

Share extension

Send a note from every app.

Customizable toolbar

Only use important actions.

Dark mode

Best ideas reach you at night.

Text template

Speed up repetitive inputs.

And much more!

Stay tuned for more...

Works with other services

Improve your existing tools

You can use Note to Self Mail to create notes and to-dos in other productivity tools like Evernote, Trello, Asana and many more.
Check out the following tutorials to know how to get connected:

A closer look

See what’s included in the App

Index Page

Attachment selector



Customize today widget

Customize toolbar


Visit the AppStore to download the app.


For more info and support, get in contact!